A leader's guide in building a legacy

What is your ultimate reason for LEADING?

An American Management Association Enterprise survey in 2011 found that 71% of senior and mid-level leaders in the U.S. and Canada believed that the global economy, with its hyper-competition and ever-changing business environment, has rendered leadership succession more important than ever before.

However, only 14% of respondents said they were well-prepared to deal with a sudden loss of a key member of the senior management team. Nearly one-quarter or 22% admitted they were not at all prepared to deal with such a loss.

 A SUCCESSION PLAN THAT WORKS (Gallup) – Randall Beck and Barry Conchie 

Hello Leader,

  • Do you really believe you are indispensable or are you just too scared to leave your comfort zone?
  • Do you ever feel no one is good enough to take your place or are you just threatened to see others perform better?
  • Do you really see yourself working until you are past 60 or Just cannot picture your life after retirement?

Before I discuss with you my book, let me introduce myself.

I am Sheila Marie P. Pacia, a graduate of Behavioral Science. I have been in the business of values formation and character building for the past two decades.  I find fulfillment in coaching lifelong learners and passionate leaders.

My early years in Training & Organizational Development exposed me to the struggles and successes of companies in sustaining success through Leadership.  From then on, I followed my calling to manage people and transform them to become better leaders. 

And it was during my long years of taking the lead in managing operation that I actively participated in developing people for Succession Planning.  That made me believe that any business or organization can sustain existence and maintain relevance in this fast-changing world if they are not afraid to give way to people and let their products evolve.

Why do you think should you start creating your own Legacy while you still have the
Time and Opportunity?

All leaders are expected to create better leaders and not just followers, but only a few can make it before they retire or accidentally depart from this life.

A culture of empowerment and succession is an essential aspect of any thriving and successful organization.

A company that puts a high premium in raising-up leaders can be assured of continuous growth and expansion.

Inspired by the mentors I worked with when they saw potentials in me as a leader; I wrote down in my eBook “Success in Succession” these simple principles which personally guided me when it was my turn to build leaders.

The three simple guideposts shared in this book ultimately aim to guide you on how to simply live and lead a more fulfilled life wherever you are.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to share my thoughts about leadership with you, as well as, share my passion for writing through this eBook.

SUCCESS IN SUCCESSION is your guide in building a legacy. This book is written out of passion for creating better leaders in an organization, at home and in the community. Practically, it aims to:

  • Cultivate the passion for sharing talents and developing people to succeed
  • Capitalize on the uniqueness of individuals to inspire and lead others
  • Inspire leaders to relentlessly build greater leaders
  • Make people see the value of establishing a legacy, as a leader, this early.

Succession is all about empowering other leaders to become ready to take on the baton. When you develop these rising leaders, you can have an idea of where your organization will go even after you are long gone. Don’t let the baton stop with you, pass it on, and see how your leadership impacts your company even if you’re not there anymore.

Sheila Marie P. Pacia – “Success in Succession”

What People are saying about my book?

“Sheila’s book is true to the core, I can attest to that.”

It is my delight and honor to grace the pages of this book. At first, when I was asked to write its foreword, I was hesitant, until I read her very own words on page 17 – and so I said yes, challenge accepted! She was my mentor, coach and manager at work and has become a dear friend up to this day. Her inspiration has made me who I am today – equipped, efficient, and empowered as a leader.

Sheila’s book is true to the core and I can attest to that. I have personally experienced how she handled situations with grace and confidence. Yes, she is far from being perfect, but believe me when I say that she is a natural when it comes to leading a team. This book is truly a light read. You won’t get bored, I promise! I was nodding with approval and was whispering “Amen. Preach it sister!” while reading it. I am more convinced now more than ever that you can leave a legacy not only in your workplace but anywhere in the world wherever you can learn and grow as a leader. "

Aica Peñalosa-Faustino
- Worship Leader / Music Ministry Volunteer

With our world getting busier and busier each passing day, I made this book an easy read for you…

  • who are taking the lead in inspiring people to lead
  • angle-right
    who are having a hard time identifying the next best choice of a leader
  • angle-right
    who are looking for inspiration on how to transform followers with potentials to lead
  • angle-right
    who are looking for ways on how to accept the need to give way for future leaders
  • angle-right
    who have decided to build on your legacy today!

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These are inspiring and powerful quotes to remind you everyday how great you are as a leader. 

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A Few More Testimonials to Prove it Works for Real People

Sheila Marie P. Pacia

Author of Success in Succession

About the Author

Hello I am Sheila, a graduate of Behavioral Science. I have been working in developing people to become leaders for over two decades.

My early involvement in Training & Organizational Development has exposed me to the endless needs of organizations to sustain success through Leadership.

It was also through my extensive years of service in Operation that I have learned that any organization must invest on Succession Planning to ensure existence and relevance in this fast-changing world. 

Here's a "What You Get" after you purchase the book:

  • Success in Succession eBook (Full Download)
  • 365 Days Leadership Quotes

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